Twin Air - Perkasie, PA, US
Twin Air USA was formed to be the exclusive importer, marketer, and promoter for Twin Air products. Twin Air USA is the sole contact for Twin Air products in the United States. All retail, dealer, and distributor communications are done through Twin Air USA.

Twin Air's legendary quality heralds back more then 30 years when stock paper air filters were a big problem for the engine especially in the sandy, gritty soil of The Netherlands. Single foam and paper filters gave riders airflow, but didn't cut it for protection and lasted only 30 minutes in the sand dunes of Holland. Twin Air found the solution to deliver unbeatable performance and protection by producing special laminated Foam air filters and filter accessories. The original typical Paper air filter was consequently replaced by washable Twin Air foam air filters and Twin Air continues to develop and refine the design of the dual stage air filter and filter accessories to this day