Indo Board - Indian Harbour Beach, FL, US

Surfer, Hunter Joslin, with more than 40 years of surfing experience, developed the Indo Board Balance Trainer over a 30 year span beginning with the first proto-type in 1975. Originally designed to train surfers out of the water, Hunter discovered from his growing cadre of loyal Indo Board fans that the apparatus was much more than a surfing simulator. Users reported increased leg strength and core fitness while experiencing a high degree of entertainment when using the Indo Board.

In 1998, Hunter decided to market the Indo Board commercially, developing the Indo Board brand, company website, distribution and marketing channels, and presenting the Indo Board product line at trade shows for all actions sports including surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, wakeboarding, motocross, MMA, and health and fitness. 



From its humble beginnings in a spare bedroom in Melbourne Beach, Florida, to the eventual move into our new office and warehouse in 2005, Indo Board Balance Trainer has stayed true to its commitment of quality and customer service. Today, Indo Board is the most recognized brand in balance board trainers and offers one of the most extensive lines of top notch balance board training products on the market with distribution spanning the world.


Indo Board to increase it's action sports footprint with expansion into new action sports such as motocross.  Indo Board is proud to be a provider of equipment to the Geico Powersports Honda team and is used by Trey Canard, Blake Wharton, Justin Barcia, Brett Metcalfe, Dan Reardon and many others.  Improving your balance will make you a better rider and all-around better athlete.  This fact has been proven many times over and is the reason that top motocross trainers like Greg DiRenzo (EFitness Academy), Tim Cryster (Racer X Virtual Trainer) and Greg Hammond (Concept2 Rowers) all endorse the Indo Board.

What are you waiting for GET INDO IT!